Friday, February 04, 2005

2005 Fulbright Senior Scholar Orientation Schedule

Fulbright New Zealand House
120 Featherston Street, Level 8, Wellington
04 472 2065

Monday 7 February

8:30-9:30 Light breakfast

9:30-10:15 Introduction and welcome to Fulbright programme
Mele Wendt – Fulbright NZ Executive Director

10:15-10:45 Culture shock and views about Americans
Fulbright Programme Manager and Tom & Monica Cavanagh

10:45-11:00 Morning tea

Graduate Students
Awards issues, the NZ university environment, insurance & accommodation
Martin Farmer, Programme Manager
Senior Scholars & Axford Fellows

Public Policy Environment of New Zealand
Colin James- Political Analyst

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:30 Snapshot of NZ culture
Gavin McLean, Senior Historian, Ministry of Culture and Heritage

2:30.2:40 Waiata

6:00-9:00 Group dinner at Peggy’s house
18 Hadfield Terrace, Kelburn. Ph: 475 6251. Dress casual.

Tuesday 8 February

9:00 – 10:15 The Peopling of Polynesia workshop
This workshop will use archaeological, anthropological and linguistic evidence to explain the migration of people from South East Asia into the Pacific and the subsequent development of the various Pacific cultures, including Maori.
Peter Adds, Senior Lecturer at the School of Maori, Pacific and Samoan Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

10:15-10:25 Break

10:25-11:30 The Peopling of Polynesia workshop (continued)

11:30 – 1:00 Welcome and Lunch at the US Embassy
Roy Glover, Counsellor for Public Affairs, US Embassy,

2:00 – 3:30 Contemporary Pacific Issues in NZ
This workshop will canvass the key issues facing Pacific peoples in New Zealand today, and discuss the impact that their migration to New Zealand has had on both their Pacific communities and New Zealand society.
Galumalemau Alfred Hunkin

3:30-3:45 Break (Waiata)

4:00-5:00 New Zealand Political System
Introduction to New Zealand’s political system.
Nigel Roberts, Associate Professor, Department of Political
Studies, Victoria University of Wellington System.

Plan on bringing your overnight bag and sleeping bag to Fulbright tomorrow morning as the taxis to the marae will depart from here.

Wednesday 9 February

9:00 – 10:30 Treaty of Waitangi
This session will describe the historical events giving rise to the Treaty’s current political status, its legal status and its relevance in New Zealand society.
Peter Adds, Senior Lecturer at the School of Maori, Pacific and Samoan Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

10:30-10:45 Morning tea

10:45 - 11:45 Treaty of Waitangi cont

11:45 – 12:45 Lunch

12:45 – 2:30 Introduction to Maori language and protocols
This workshop will focus on providing the participants with a general introduction to the Maori language and will cover instruction in basic Maori protocols, with particular emphasis on the Maori ritual of encounter
Piripi Walker, Kaiwhakahaere, Tokomapuna Services.

2:30 – 2:45 Break and Waiata

2:45 – 4:15 Maori language and protocols cont.

4:15 ‘till late Depart for Waiwhetu Marae
Sleeping at the Marae is communal. All participants sleep on mattresses on the floor in the main room. Please bring sleeping bag, towel and clothes, etc for overnight stay. If you do not have a sleeping bag and require blankets or sheets please let us know in advance. Meals will be provided.

Thursday 10 February

7:30-9:00 Waiwhetu Marae

9:00-10:30 Various activities leaving marae by 10.30am.

Whilst on the bus Martin will brief group on afternoon

12:00 Wellington Discovery Tour

Small groups challenged to work together to get to know

3:30-4:30 Backbencher Pub
Group to meet and debrief given by group leaders.

4:30-5:30 Political Commentary
Richard Harman- TV Producer & Media Commentator

NB: Remember tomorrow you should dress for a kiwi-style tramp, including hiking shoes and raingear. Lunch is provided bring your own snacks and water bottle.

Friday 11 February

7:45 – 5:00 Meet at Fulbright office for Trip to Kapiti Island
Kapiti lies about 5km off the west coast of the southern North Island. (45min. bus journey north of Wellington).
The island is now one of the nation’s most important sites for bird recovery.

Mele Wendt, Executive Director Farewell

5:00-‘till late Chill out at Zebos Bar, Southern Cross Tavern,
35 Abel Smith Street, Wellington
Pizza provided.

NB: If the Kapiti Island Trip is rained off it will be a good
opportunity to visit both Te Papa and to do the Tour of


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